Bondage owners have heard about it in my reviews

Your previous job has been sold. An estimated 72,800 people in the UK are selling it. The media knows this, which is why articles about female sex workers are straightforward to find. However, male sex workers still seem to be shrouded in mystery.
Previously, we looked at the different types of bondage a 22-year-old woman experienced in the workplace. Wondering what the difference is between this world and that of male escorts, I spoke to Michael, a 58-year-old who has been in the industry for many years and almost all of his various bondage call boys in Hyderabad.
I had a client who loved real cream and whipped cream products. He always wanted to be wrapped up in it, so I had to put about three blankets on his bed every time. Another loved powerful garden hoses, and I distinctly remember him getting very excited one night when I pointed the hose at him around 2 a.m. I had two kids who loved blackberries, so I always planted them in the backyard. I smeared it all over her body.
I’m known for being able to fuck in places no one has ever seen in a porn movie. My unique move is what I call the “helicopter fuck.” My client lies on the floor facing the wall, and I twist my body while facing the opposite direction. I penetrate her from behind, ass cheek to ass cheek, and can spin her 360 degrees. Not bad for a 50-year-old. Many bondage owners have heard about it in my reviews and have specifically requested it.
These bondage owners make up situations that are so absurd that they are entirely unrealistic. They want to have sex in a cemetery or embarrass themselves in a public place like a main street. Some want group sex and ask, “How many people can come?” And I say, “Okay, you know they’re all escorts, right?” If you want that, you must pay 50% upfront.”
Working with bondage owners with disabilities is a considerable part of the job. I want to help more people in these situations because they need help like everyone else. I once heard a person in a wheelchair tell me that he once called a bondage service, but when he told them about his disability, they hung up on him. This blew my mind. I thought, “How dare you do that?” If bondage practitioners generally dislike someone because they have a disability, then they’re not cut out for this kind of work.