The power to bring excellent transsexual escorts

Women are not the only ones with sensitive areas that require the attention of an escort or a trans girl. Men also have many unique places that, when touched, sucked, or kissed, can give the best trans escort. All women or men who are with you: gather. For what? Because we have something to say that will be very important if you want to make a good impression on your client.
Because it’s so close to his cock, a transsexual escort’s inner thigh should be the first place you should focus when you make your next reservation. You can practically look at it for a moment, and it will be done in a nanosecond. Kidding! You need to make an effort, but only a little.
Start by alternately licking and kissing this area. When you feel like it’s about to explode, gently touch his cock and start a blowjob. Play with your tongue and lips, then move on to sweet sucking. You’ll be in heaven when you’re done.
What is it, you ask? It’s the area of skin between the anus and the testicles of a transsexual partner and just above the prostate. The latter is considered to have the power to bring excellent transsexual escorts.
The next time you’re getting ready for a mission and he wants to penetrate you, do this: Get between his legs, grab his Johnson, and press your shins against his perineum. Do it gently, then massage the area and slowly bring him into a trance. Just before you begin to cum, make sure your joints are a little deeper there.
Yes, we’re talking about weird names today, but the raphe is just that: a dividing line that runs down the middle of a trans partner’s genitals from the anus to the tip of the dick, then down the perineum, scrotum, and shaft. Let your date vibrate with your tongue as you trace the line. Then, shake the trans partner in your hungry mouth.
Many men go crazy when their date touches them in this area. If your trans escort likes it, Feel his ass, give him a rugged or light slap, and he will be stimulated like there is no tomorrow. You can also try squeezing or licking that spot while he is on you.
What is one of the most sensitive parts of our body? Yes, that’s right: our lips. When the two of you (or all three!) are kissing, bite your lower lip. Add a little suction and see if he likes it. If so, great: keep going. If he hates it, go back to what you were doing before. In any case, you’ve just excited your customer’s brain to the max.